Sunday, August 26, 2007

Four pounds!

Abigail finally made it to four pounds on Saturday, and she's right at 4 pounds, 2 ounces as of Sunday evening. It's just unreal how fast she is growing. At this rate, she could get to 4.5 pounds soon and then have a good shot of having her intestines put back together soon after that.

We're still loving Abby's new room. It's so much brighter and more convenient; we can even eat there! We spent a lot of time with her this afternoon and evening, with Abby's baby shower at church in between. (Obviously, Abby could not attend, but Katrina had fun and opened gifts on Abby's behalf.) Thank you all for your generosity.

Have a great week!


At August 27, 2007 10:55 AM, Blogger Shannon said...

I have a few questions:
Do you think Abby will be home by Thanksgiving? How far is it from Louisville KY to where you are?

I ask because I've been trying to figure out how to come visit. I'm a photographer now and would LOVE to do Abby's New Baby portraits when she comes home (complementary of course). It's safer for a preemie than going to a studio too. you can check out my website at:
Email me to let me know if you are interested.

At August 28, 2007 4:32 PM, Blogger Stacy said...

Hey Ryan!!

This is a great post--so many great things are happening for you guys right now! You church family sounds like a great blessing to you and Katrina!

I'm so glad Abby is growing so quickly...Praying that she will be big enough for surgery and her big trip home very soon!

Hope you guys have another great week and get to spend a lot of good time with Abby!

Stacy :)


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