Friday, October 13, 2006

Safety and Irony

As most of you already know, today is Friday the 13th. (For those of you in China who might not know why this matters, it is often considered to be an unlucky day when the 13th day of any month is a Friday.) Now I don't put any stock in superstitions like this, but I do have an ironic event on my schedule today: I have to be at work at 2 p.m. for the monthly Safety Committee meeting ... on Friday the 13th.

Now before someone hits me with a comment along the lines of "I knew you were a nerd, but the Safety Committee?!!!?" I must say that it was NOT my choice be part of this group. I made the tactical error of being out of the office for five days in August to attend my sister's wedding in Iowa. During that time, my boss was told he had to get someone from the editorial department on the committee ASAP. As I was out of town, I was an easy target. Today, we're touring the press room (where the presses are, not where I work) for an inspection at the end of the meeting.

This means more overtime today. I've been at the office an extra hour each of the last two nights because our news editor (copy desk chief) is on vacation and we've had late-evening events like this and this and this.

Katrina loves when I get home at 2 a.m.


At October 13, 2006 12:21 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not just Friday the Thirteenth, but Friday, October Thireenth!! That's even better.
You'll have to pardon me, but I've always liked it. Rest easy, though. There won't be another Friday, October 13 until 2017!

At October 13, 2006 2:23 PM, Blogger CE Butler said...

Do you wear a hardhat?
If so, please get a pic for us.

At October 14, 2006 4:56 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

My feeling was worse yesterday, me too, 13 is a not good number


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