Sunday, December 10, 2006


Sorry for the lack of posting lately. Our city editor was on vacation most of this week, so I had extra work to do and -- best of all -- virtually unlimited overtime.

Working 47 hours + 10 hours commuting = Very little blogging time.

Two fun tidbits from work this week:
1. My nominee for headline of the year is on this article.
2. Has anyone else ever heard of such a gross dessert as this? (One of my co-workers brought this in on Friday. It was actually good once you removed it from its context.)

In happy news, it seems that my blog might be available again for my friends in China. If you're reading from China, feel free to leave a comment letting me know you're back.

Speaking of China, Katrina and I will be finishing off Christmas cards today and tomorrow. I just hope the ones going to Wuhan get there before 2007! If you still haven't given us your address, consider this your last chance.

Finally, I've added another National Public Radio segment to my must-hear list each week. Around 8:40 a.m. Eastern every Sunday, they have a Sunday Puzzle segment with The New York Times' crossword puzzle editor. Each week, they play on-the-air with one listener, and then offer a challenge to the listeners to figure out at home. One person who submits the correct answer at their Web site is chosen to play on the air the next week. (I've figured out this week's challenge; give it a try!)


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